Wednesday, January 30, 2008

forgetfulness, round two

the title says it all. i am nothing, if not forgetful. i see the link for this on my favorites, and i skip right over it......

moving along, nothing new to add. life's been good to me, although the technology i deal with hasn't.
i work in the photo lab of a local drugstore, and the one-hour lab we have qualifies as a dinosaur. the company that made it went under some ten years back, and we can only get refurbished parts to fix it.
today, there was a normal error (one i've seen before and knew how to fix), but not in the usual place. so i had to call the tech line (again; called once earlier for another problem). tech couldn't get out today, but they will be in tomorrow to fix it. yay.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

forgetfulness. i has it

yeah, like the title says i'm forgetful. trivial things i can remember no problem, but important things disappear. like a teacher once put it, "mind like a steel sieve."

anyways, to recap since my last post: the holidays passed peacefully at home. kate's friend holly (whom i also know) came for a week, though i didn't get to see much of her. however, we did spend about two and half hours on thursday just singing and listening to music while i made her a cd. 'twas a blast.